Buying silence $5 at a time.
Why can’t these things ever create longer days?
Just handed out an Ubuntu CD at a Microsoft Technologies conference. #rmtt
Vote for the cutest baby in the Y 96.9 contest. Here is a link to my baby Addie just to help start you off:
Attending a presentation about MS Project Server. Already trying to figure out ways to work around it. It only works in IE (really?)
Spent the morning discussing modern weaponry with my 3-1/2 year-old. She now knows to stay clear of the backblast area on an AT4 and a LAW.
Half a Biscotti just added a half an hour to my morning.
Fell on my a$$ on the ice on a back country trail while running. First thought was, “did anyone see that?”, next was “how’s my MP3 player”
Plagued by technical issues today between AT&T and Comcast I have no external connection to the world.
Damn, that was a tasty salad! #thingsineverthoughtiwouldsay