It must be spring time in Colorado high of 54, chance of thunderstorms, and a blizzard warning.
Notes on Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Addie: what is that?
Me: that’s Han Solo’s ship, the Millennium Falcon.
Addie: what’s a chameleon falcon?
Chewbacca grunts
Addie: the bear actually tooted. Where is the bear?
Mary: I don’t think that’s his real dad because why would he cut his arm off?
Instead of killing you I would just break your iPad.
Mary: That was a really good movie!
This is my cheap version of a share since I didn’t want to pay $7 to share this through Facebook.
My dearest FB Friends and Family,
My son Austin’s car was recently hit by a young person who ran a red light. Of course his car was paid off, and insurance is going to total it for a whole lot less than it was worth. I was wondering if anyone knows anyone selling a great car. Thanks for any help. Tricia Webster
Mary: Daddy, when I go up and down stairs I can hear my head jiggling.
Overheard in rural Pennsylvania:
Young girl: What’s the Wifi information here?
Daddy: Oh honey, there us no wifi here
Mary had a “great idea” tonight. She decided that she should finish two of her practice word searches then we should make them into paper airplanes. Then, on our weekly 5k, we would throw them, then run to where they landed then throw them again. We did about a half mile before it started to get too dark so we came back. It was awesome!
I guess training for a full marathon then taking a 4 month taper worked out for me. Just got a half marathon PR. Maybe I’ll train for my next full marathon by not running for the next 8 months.
My back is still holding up after moving 8,000 more pounds of mulch; the yard looks great and now I’m enjoying pizza.